Photo by Piotr Chara

Frequently asked questions

Who is responsible for establishing a national park?

The national park is established by virtue of an act, which is a legal act adopted by the Sejm by a simple majority of votes. For this to happen, a prior initiative of the act on establishing a national park is needed, which may be submitted by: the Council of Ministers, a group of at least 15 deputies, a parliamentary committee, the Sejm, the Senate or the President of the Republic of Poland. Importantly, a group of 100,000 may also take the legislative initiative. citizens with voting rights. On the other hand, defining the boundaries of a national park may take place after agreement with the locally competent legislative bodies of local government units (i.e. local governments of communes in which the park is established), as well as after the borders have been evaluated by interested non-governmental organizations.

From what sources will the national park be financed?

The Lower Oder Valley National Park will be financed on the same terms as other national parks, partly from subsidies from the state budget, subsidies from other institutions and economic activities. Each national park has the status of a legal person, therefore it conducts its own financial management, and from the funds and revenues it covers expenses and costs related to the implementation of its tasks. Approx. 33% of the funds come from economic activities, subsidies, leases and others. Approx. 31% of the funds that contribute to the budget of national parks come from subsidies from the state budget. Approx. 36% of funds are obtained by parks, among others from external sources, such as EU funds, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, the Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, and the Forest Fund.